There are many scammers trying to trick you with fake replicas, posing a serious risk to your health and wallet. Bareway shoes are only available here in Mybareway.com
Authentic Bareway products are only available for purchase here at mybareway.com
Bareway does not offer product for sale through individuals, Internet auctions, physical stores, by wholesale, or through third-party sellers.
Like many unique brands, our success has led to products being copied by counterfeiters.
We’ve been frequently approached by people asking if a website is real, or we are contacted by someone who accidentally purchased a counterfeit product.
We want all our customers, family, and friends, to protect themselves and those they care about by buying authentic Bareway products through our website only.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Furthermore, we have found several social pages (instagram, facebook, tiktok) that copy our identity and use our contents without any permission.
our only official social pages are those you find in the footer of our site
Thanks for the attention.